4.1. Keyword Syntax and Rules

The input for the LPCVD Furnace Model is in a keyword phrase format. Keyword phrases generally are a short description of a required input parameter, followed by a space, an equals sign, a space, and the alphanumeric value of the parameter. Each phrase should be on a separate line, although the LPCVD Furnace Model will ignore extra line breaks and extra spaces between words in the input file. For some keywords, only the keyword itself is required, while for others, additional information is required. In many cases, there are default values associated with the variables and in such cases the keyword need not be included if the default value is acceptable.

For organizational purposes, groups of related keyword phrases are arranged into blocks. Each input block begins with a block title on a line, followed by lines containing the required keywords, and terminated with the word END on the last line of the block. The major input blocks, along with their functions, are listed in Table 4.1: Major Keyword Blocks for the LPCVD Furnace Model . The table also indicates the section of this document that gives a more detailed discussion of that block, which includes any sub-blocks of keyword phrases. The order of the keyword blocks in the file is important. Keyword phrases must be included in the proper block, but within a block or sub-block, the order of the keywords may vary.

Table 4.1: Major Keyword Blocks for the LPCVD Furnace Model


Keyword Block(s)

See Section



CHEMKIN Initialization

Get Reactor Model


Get a Model

Solve the Problem


Solve the Problem

Output Results


Output Instructions

Dispose of Model


Write/Destroy the Model

In the case of restarts (that is, using READ A MODEL) or continuation problems (that is, using CHANGE THE MODEL) some of the keywords can be changed. If not changed, they retain their former values. In each keyword description, we note the default value, if any, and whether or not it can be changed upon a restart or continuation. Within a block the order in which the keywords are input is unimportant, but some keywords that appear as lists must be ordered. For example, when entering an initial temperature profile as pairs of heights and temperatures, the heights are required to be in ascending order. For those keywords that affect control of the solution through interface with the Twopnt software, the corresponding Twopnt parameter is stated. An example keyword line is provided for all keywords.

A summary of the rules governing the syntax of the keywords are listed below:

Table 4.2: Summary of Rules for Keywords




Keyword phrases for the LPCVD Furnace Model are case insensitive. Keyword phrases need to exactly match the specified input. Extra spaces are tolerated, but missing spaces are not.


Keyword blocks generally need to close with an END statement.


"Quoted character strings" are treated as single words with significant spaces. Spaces will not be dropped from such strings, and these strings can not continue on other lines. These strings are intended to be used as names, for example as the name of an injector.


When numbers are required as input, they should be given in the proper format, mostly floating point or E format, with a few integers. The double precision specification is not required. If a double precision version of the application is being run, the double precision conversion is done internally.


When gas-phase species names are required as input, they must appear exactly as they were specified in the Gas-phase Kinetics input. When surface or bulk species names are required as input, they must appear exactly as they were specified in the Surface Kinetics input.


If keywords are repeated or conflict, then the last-read values are used. For example if the same keyword is encountered twice, the data with the last one read is accepted.


A "comment" line is one that has an exclamation mark (!) as the first non-blank character. Any input that follows an exclamation mark on any line is taken as a comment. All input lines, including comments, are printed to the output.


The keyword END must be the last input line.