4.6. Write/Destroy the Model

Table 4.15: WRITE/DESTROY THE MODEL Keyword Phrases

Keyword Phrase



Title of keyword block indicating that the solution should be saved to a file for future re-use. This binary file is retrieved by the READ A MODEL keyword phrase. This file stores information about the reactor model including the names of chemical species and the final deposition rates and species distributions, but does not save the Twopnt controls or the process chemistry. Thus, a saved solution can be re-used with altered chemistry (provided the species names are the same) by changing the Gas-phase Kinetics input files. Requires END statement to close keyword block.


Gives the file name that should be used to save the solution in a binary file. Part of the WRITE THE MODEL keyword sub-block.

Example: FILE NAME = Silane.dat

Default: ovend.dat


Releases the memory space occupied by a model. Although the user can now allocate a large amount of space to LPCVD Furnace Model, if a long series of simulations are going to be run from one input file, it is advisable to use this keyword to release memory space before reading or defining a new model.