4.3.2. Specify an Injector

Table 4.6: SPECIFY THE INJECTOR Keyword Phrases

Keyword Phrase



Title of keyword sub-block that defines a gas injector. The keyword sub-block is repeated for each gas injection point in the reactor. Injected gases have specified compositions, flow rates and temperatures. Part of the DEFINE A MODEL or CHANGE THE MODEL keyword blocks. Except for the names of the injectors and the number of injectors, all parameters may be altered when using CHANGE THE MODEL. Requires END statement to close keyword sub-block.


Provides the name of a gas injector. Names can be of varying length, but must be unique. Long names with embedded blanks must be quoted. The name must be included when CHANGE THE MODEL is used, even though it cannot be changed at that point. Part of the SPECIFY AN INJECTOR keyword sub-block.

Example: NAME = 1NAME = "first silane injector"

Units: None

Default: None, this is a required input.


Provides the gas flow rate of the injector. An injector can be turned off when using CHANGE THE MODEL by putting the flow rate to zero, but at least one injector must have a positive flow rate. Part of the SPECIFY AN INJECTOR keyword sub-block.

Example: FLOW RATE = 200.0

Units: sccm

Default: None, this is a required input.


Provides the axial position of the gas injector. Distances are measured from the near end of the reactor. Two or more injectors may share the same axial position, but two injectors at separate points close together may cause problems. Part of the SPECIFY AN INJECTOR keyword sub-block.

Example: POSITION = 0.0

Units: cm

Default: None, this is a required input.


Provides the temperature of the gas coming from this injector. These values are only used when solving the energy conservation equation (see Specify the Material Properties ), but must be provided in all cases. Part of the SPECIFY AN INJECTOR keyword sub-block.

Example: TEMPERATURE = 450.0

Units: K

Default: None, this is a required input.

(gas species name) =

Provides the gas composition from the injector. This keyword phrase is repeated for each chemical species input via this injector. Mole fractions for these species must add up to one. If the mole fractions do not add up to one, they will be normalized. Part of the SPECIFY AN INJECTOR keyword sub-block.

Example: SIH4 = 0.5H2 = 0.5

Units: Mole fraction

Default: None, this is a required input.