2.2.3. Opening a Parameter Study Dialog for Species-specific Properties

For species-specific properties of the Inlet or Reactor mixture, you need to select the species to be included in the Parameter Study. The following steps illustrate how to open a Parameter Study dialog for the Reaction Fraction of O2:

  1. Go to the Species-specific Properties panel of the C1_Closed Homogeneous node.

  2. Click the Parameter Study icon next to Reactant Fraction label.

  3. Click the pull-down list in the Setup Data Analysis dialog and select O2, as shown in Figure 2.2: closed_homogeneous__transient.ckprj - Reactant Fraction of O2.

  4. Click the OK button to open the Parameter Study dialog.

Figure 2.2: closed_homogeneous__transient.ckprj - Reactant Fraction of O2

closed_homogeneous__transient.ckprj - Reactant Fraction of O2