5.11. Additional Variables in Multiphase Flow

When exists in phase , the corresponding field variable is denoted . If it obeys a transport equation, it is given by:



  • is the conserved quantity per unit mass of phase .

  • is the conserved quantity per unit volume of phase , where

  • is the Kinematic Diffusivity for the scalar in phase . This may be set for each Additional Variable and each phase separately.

  • is the external volumetric source term in phase , with units of conserved quantity per unit volume per unit time.

  • represents the total source to due to interphase transfer across interfaces with other phases.

  • Although the turbulent Schmidt number, , is shown to apply to phase only, it currently cannot be specified on a phase-specific basis in CFX.

As in single phase, Diffusive Transport and Poisson equations are also available for multiphase Additional Variables). For details, see Additional Variables. Diffusive transport equations exclude the advection term, turbulent diffusion term, and contributions due to interphase mass transfer from Equation 5–206. Poisson equations exclude these terms as well as the transient term.