6.4.1. Model of Finnie

The wear of a wall due to the erosive effect of particle impacts is a complex function of particle impact, particle and wall properties. For nearly all metals, erosion is found to vary with impact angle and velocity according to the relationship [63]:


where is a dimensionless mass, is the particle impact velocity and is a dimensionless function of the impact angle. The impact angle is the angle in radians between the approaching particle track and the wall. The value of the exponent, , is generally in the range 2.3 to 2.5 for metals.

Finnie’s model of erosive wear [64] relates the rate of wear to the rate of kinetic energy of impact of particles on the surface, using :



(6–91) Implementation in CFX

In CFX, the need to adjust the dimension of to obtain a non-dimensional erosion factor is overcome by specifying:


where is equal to .

Typical values for are given in the following table:


Wall Material

952 [m/s]


661 [m/s]


1310 [m/s]

Mild Steel

3321 [m/s]

Hardened Steel