5.10.2. Enhanced Turbulence Production Models Sato Enhanced Eddy Viscosity

Sato [22] successfully modeled Particle Induced Turbulence for bubbly flow using an enhanced continuous phase eddy viscosity:


where is the usual Shear Induced Eddy Viscosity, and is an additional Particle Induced Eddy Viscosity:


The variable has a value of 0.6. Turbulence Source Terms

The effect of particle-induced turbulence can be modeled by adding source terms to the turbulence equations for the liquid phase. These terms are:




where is the interphase drag force, is the bubble/particle velocity, and is the liquid velocity.

The available models differ only in the time scale used. These models are:

  • Morel ([237])

  • Turbulence Timescale

  • Rzehak and Krepper (section 3.3.1 of [236])

  • User Defined

    Set a value for Dissipation Timescale.

, which has a default value of 1, is a dissipation coefficient that can modulate the source term.