5.8.2. RULES File

The RULES file contains information about which models and parameters are valid options. This includes SINGLETON, OBJECT and PARAMETER items. RULES

The first items in the RULES file list the top level SINGLETON objects. All other items are children of these optional top level objects.

  • RULES: This could be used to modify the list of allowed options. This should always be done locally.

  • LIBRARY: Includes libraries for materials, reactions, CEL and user routines. Add new materials and reactions using a local library.

  • FLOW: Contains the current problem definition.

  • USER: Where user parameters may be stored for later retrieval through User Fortran.

  • COMMAND FILE: Contains the command file version number.

  • EXECUTION CONTROL: Contains information about the parallel setup and other settings controlled in the CFX-Solver Manager.

Details about models that are not available can also be found through the user interface. For example, the SINGLETON: ADVECTION SCHEME item includes the QUICK scheme. SINGLETON

A SINGLETON object is permitted to appear once as the child of a parent object. For this reason SINGLETON objects do not have names associated with them, for example:

   CEL :

Each of these three items is a SINGLETON object. The LIBRARY SINGLETON may only have one CEL SINGLETON, and the CEL SINGLETON may only have one EXPRESSIONS SINGLETON. Parameters and child definitions do not need to be grouped for a SINGLETON into a single location; this is done automatically by the CFX-Solver. For example, the following is valid:

   CEL :
         myexp1 = 1 [ m ]
   CEL :
         myexp2 = 2 [ m ]

An OBJECT is similar to a SINGLETON except that more than one can appear as the child of a parent object. For this reason each OBJECT must have a name, for example:

   DOMAIN : domain1
   DOMAIN : domain2

Two OBJECT items of type DOMAIN have been defined with names domain1 and domain2. These are children of the FLOW SINGLETON. PARAMETER

A PARAMETER consists of a name, followed by the "=" character, followed by a value. Many parameters in the RULES file cannot be set in a CCL file and therefore cannot be altered.

  • The Parameter Type tells you the type of values the parameter is allowed to take. It could be Real, Real List, Integer, Integer List, String or String List. When a list is valid, items should be comma separated.

  • Some parameters contain an Allowed String List. This contains valid strings that can be used for that parameter.

  • Each PARAMETER that you can set has a Dependency List that lists the variables the PARAMETER can depend upon. XYZ refers to the x, y and z coordinates. XYZT refers to the x, y and z coordinates and time. The CCL file can be edited based on the dependencies listed here.

  • If a PARAMETER contains the item Dynamic Reread Item = Yes, then it can generally be modified while a run is in progress. Some SINGLETON objects also contain this item. For details, see Edit Run In Progress Command. Note that you must not change any references to regions while the CFX-Solver is running with topology simplification active; doing so would cause the solver to stop. For details on topology simplification, see the description for expert parameter topology simplification in Physical Model Parameters in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.