5.8.1. VARIABLES File

The VARIABLES file lists all the variables available in the CFX-Solver. Information provided for each variable appears similar to the following:

   Option = Definition
   MMS Name  = VEL
   Long Name = Velocity
   Tensor Type = VECTOR
   Quantity = Velocity
   Status = P
   User Level = 1
   Output to Jobfile = No
   Output to Postprocessor = Yes
   Component Short Names = \
      u, \
      v, \
   Component Long Names = \
      Velocity u, \
      Velocity v, \
      Velocity w
   Component MMS Names = \
      VEL-1, \
      VEL-2, \
   General Availability = ADAPTION, RESULTS, CEL
   Variable Description = Velocity
   Variable Scope = PHASE

The following information can be identified:

  • The name appearing immediately after VARIABLE: (in this case vel) is the CFX-Solver name or short name for the variable.

  • For scalar quantities (Tensor Type = SCALAR), the name appearing after VARIABLE: is the name that must be used in any CEL expressions. The MMS Name and Long Name are not valid names to use for this purpose.

  • For vector and tensor quantities (Tensor Type = VECTOR and Tensor Type = SYMTEN2), the Component Short Names (u, v and w in this case) are names that must be used in any CEL expressions.

  • The User Level setting controls when the variable is seen. Variables of User Level = 1 will appear in drop-down variable selection menus in CFD-Post. Variables with User Level = 2 or User Level = 3 will only appear in the full list of variables.

  • The Output to Postprocessor setting controls whether the variable is written to the results file for use in CFD-Post. A variable must be involved in the simulation before is has the potential to be written out.

  • The General Availability field determines when a variable can be used. Only variables whose General Availability includes CEL can be used in CEL expressions.

  • The names of all VARIABLE, EQUATION DEFINITION and FUNCTION objects are reserved names. These names should not be used as the name for any CEL expressions, Additional Variables, user routines, or user functions, and so on.

The end of the VARIABLES file contains a section listing call back definitions. Using call backs that are not documented, or using them on locations other than those documented, will produce invalid results. For details, see Quantitative Function List in the CFX Reference Guide.