Chapter 6: CFX-Solver Manager File Menu

This chapter describes the commands available from the CFX-Solver File menu:

    Define Run Command

    Running the CFX-Solver involves passing it the geometry, models, boundary conditions, and start-up information that it needs to calculate a solution to your CFD problem. The Define Run form is where you specify the information which is passed to the CFX-Solver. Some runs of the CFX-Solver require you to specify only the name of the CFX-Solver input file; others also require the name of an initial values file. Extra tabs become available when Show Advanced Controls is selected. For details, see The Define Run Dialog Box.

    Monitor Run in Progress Command

    Used when CFX-Solver Manager has been closed and a run currently underway in the Solver must be displayed.

    1. Select File > Monitor Run in Progress.

      The Select a Run Directory (.dir) dialog box is displayed.

    2. Browse to the directory containing the current run.

    3. Select the current run.

    4. Click OK.

      Data up to the current timestep is loaded.

    Monitor Finished Run Command

    Used to view the residual plots of a finished run.

    1. Select File > Monitor Finished Run.

      The Monitor Finished Run dialog box is displayed.

    2. Under File Type, select the type of files to view.

    3. Browse to the directory containing the finished run.

    4. Select the run to view.

      If required, select a different file.

    5. Click OK.

      The data is loaded.

    Close Workspace Command

    Closes all windows related to the current run. Any other runs that were open are not affected, and the last open run prior to the current run is displayed. If the Solver was in progress on the current run, it continues to operate in the background. The run can be re-monitored; see Monitor Run in Progress Command or Monitor Finished Run Command, as appropriate.

    Quit Command

    To quit CFX-Solver Manager, select File > Quit. Closing CFX-Solver Manager does not stop CFX-Solver jobs that are currently running. CFX-Solver Manager can be re-opened to take control of these jobs again simply by opening CFX-Solver Manager and selecting Monitor Run in Progress. For details, see Monitor Run in Progress Command.