3.2.5. CFX-Solver Output File (Parallel Runs)

This section outlines the additional information that is written to the CFX-Solver Output file for CFX-Solver jobs submitted in parallel. Partitioning Information

If the partitioning step is run, partitioning information pertaining to the current job is displayed. This includes how the mesh is divided, and CPU requirements for the partitioning process.

The section for partitioning information looks similar to the following:

 |                     Vertex Based Partitioning                      |
 Partitioning of domain: Default Domain
 - Partitioning tool:       MeTiS multilevel k-way algorithm
 - Number of partitions:             8
 - Number of graph-nodes:      5232026
 - Number of graph-edges:     56867380
 |                      Partitioning Information                      |
 Partitioning information for domain: Default Domain
        |     Elements     |        Vertices        |     Faces       |
 | Part |   Number     %   |   Number     %   %Ovlp |  Number     %   |
 | Full |  20584862        |   5232026              |   235752        |
 |    1 |   2592908   12.5 |    675743   12.6   2.9 |    27947   11.7 |
 |    2 |   2581847   12.4 |    672141   12.5   2.5 |    28030   11.8 |
 |    3 |   2752840   13.2 |    666862   12.4   1.3 |    31200   13.1 |
 |    4 |   2600679   12.5 |    663980   12.4   2.5 |    27997   11.8 |
 |    5 |   2829665   13.6 |    678465   12.7   3.3 |    21784    9.2 |
 |    6 |   2027720    9.7 |    666910   12.5   2.6 |    43374   18.2 |
 |    7 |   2696854   13.0 |    670512   12.5   2.3 |    25832   10.9 |
 |    8 |   2721802   13.1 |    661733   12.4   1.2 |    31858   13.4 |
 | Min  |   2027720    9.7 |    661733   12.4   1.2 |    21784    9.2 |
 |(part)|           (    6)|           (    8     8)|          (    5)|
 | Max  |   2829665   13.6 |    678465   12.7   3.3 |    43374   18.2 |
 |(part)|           (    5)|           (    5     5)|          (    6)|
 | Ave  |   2600539   12.5 |    669543   12.5   2.3 |    29753   12.5 |
 | Sum  |  20804315  100.0 |   5356346  100.0   2.3 |   238022  100.0 |
 |                 Partitioning CPU-Time Requirements                 |
 - Preparations                                       1.643E+01 seconds
 - Low-level mesh partitioning                        5.711E+00 seconds
 - Global partitioning information                    5.219E-01 seconds
 - Element and face partitioning information          1.142E+00 seconds
 - Vertex partitioning information                    3.639E-01 seconds
 - Partitioning information compression               5.499E-02 seconds
 - Summed CPU-time for mesh partitioning              2.471E+01 seconds Job Information at Start of Run

This section describes the job characteristics in terms of the parallel run mode and the time and date of the start of the run.

The section for job information for a parallel run looks similar to the following:

 |                  Job Information at Start of Run                   |

 Run mode:       parallel run (MPI)

 Job started:    Tue Dec  6 11:23:46 2016

Note:  Occasionally, follower processes may continue to run after the leader process has terminated. More detailed job information, including the host names, process IDs, start time, finish time and CPU time for each partition, is written to a temporary file named "pids", which exists during the lifetime of the run. If the run terminates successfully, this information is written to the results file and may be read using the command "cfx5dfile -read-parinfo".

Note:  The above format is the default output format. A more verbose format, as used in earlier releases of Ansys CFX, is available. For details, see Command-Line Options and Keywords for cfx5solve. Host Memory Information

The initial memory allocated on each host is reported near the start of the run, similar to the following:

 |                  Host Memory Information (Mbytes): Solver          |
 |           Host         | Npart |   System    |  Allocated  |   %   |
 | fastcomputer1          |   32  |    32307.24 |     9280.91 | 28.73 |
 | fastcomputer2          |   32  |    32307.24 |     9195.09 | 28.46 |
 | fastcomputer3          |   32  |    32307.24 |     9713.21 | 30.07 |
 | fastcomputer4          |   32  |    32307.24 |     9409.84 | 29.13 |
 | Total                  |  128  |   129228.97 |    37599.05 | 29.09 |

Similarly, the peak memory usage for each host over the lifetime of the run is reported near the end of the run. For example:

 |            Host Memory Information (Mbytes): Solver                |
 |           Host         | Npart |   System    |    Peak     |   %   |
 | fastcomputer1          |   32  |    32307.24 |    10673.05 | 33.04 |
 | fastcomputer2          |   32  |    32307.24 |    10574.35 | 32.73 |
 | fastcomputer3          |   32  |    32307.24 |    11170.19 | 34.57 |
 | fastcomputer4          |   32  |    32307.24 |    10821.32 | 33.50 |
 | Total                  |  128  |   129228.97 |    43238.91 | 33.46 |
 +------------------------+-------+-------------+-------------+-------+ Memory Usage Information

The default output format produces a section for memory usage information that looks similar to the following:

 |         Initial Memory Allocation  (Actual usage may vary)         | 
 Allocated storage in:   Mwords
 Partition | Real       | Integer    | Character | Logical  | Double 
   Minimum |       8.88 |       1.74 |      3.70 |     0.12 |     0.09 
  (     4) |      33.86 |       6.65 |      3.53 |     0.11 |     0.69 
   Maximum |       8.90 |       1.75 |      3.70 |     0.12 |     0.09 
  (     1) |      33.96 |       6.68 |      3.53 |     0.11 |     0.69
   Average |       8.89 |       1.75 |      3.70 |     0.12 |     0.09 
           |      33.89 |       6.66 |      3.53 |     0.11 |     0.69 
     Total |      35.54 |       6.99 |     14.81 |     0.48 |     0.36 
           |     135.58 |      26.65 |     14.12 |     0.46 |     2.76
 ----------+------------+------------+-----------+----------+---------- Job Information at End of Run

The section for completed job information looks similar to the following:

 |                   Job Information at End of Run                    |

 Job finished:   Tue Dec  3 11:23:56 2013

 Total wall clock time: 9.630E+00 seconds
             or: (          0:         0:         0:     9.630 )
                 (       Days:     Hours:   Minutes:   Seconds )

--> Final synchronization point reached by all partitions.
End of solution stage.

| The results from this run of the CFX-Solver have been written      |
| to z:\temp\BluntBody_001.res                                       |

Note:  The above format is the default output format. A more verbose format, as used in earlier releases of Ansys CFX is available. For details, see Command-Line Options and Keywords for cfx5solve.