3.2.6. CFX-Solver Output File (Mesh Adaption Runs)

When a mesh adaption step is complete, the CFX-Solver Manager reports the new meshing information, including the total number of vertices, elements and faces. The CFX-Solver then continues to determine a solution, using the adapted mesh.

The section for mesh refinement looks similar to the following:

|                                                                    |
|                         Mesh Refinement                            |
|                                                                    |
Adaption step 2 of 3.
Number of elements initially marked for refinement:         480
Number of elements removed because:
 They already meet the minimum length criteria:               0
 They are in regions not marked for refinement:               0
 They are already in the deepest refinement level:            0
 There are not enough nodes available to refine them:      -425
Target number of nodes at end of step:                     1512
Number of vertices in the final mesh:                      1999
Number of elements in the final mesh:                      1560
|         Total number of Vertices, Elements, and Faces              |
Domain Name      : nozzle vmi
     Total Number of Nodes                  =       1999
     Total Number of Elements               =       1560
         Total Number of Tetrahedrons       =        146
         Total Number of Hexahedrons        =        818
         Total Number of Pyramids           =        596
     Total number of Faces                  =       1702