3.2.4. CFX-Solver Output File (Interpolation Runs)

This section outlines the additional information that is written to the CFX-Solver Output file for CFX-Solver jobs that require interpolation.

                 Interpolating Onto Domain "Bottom Box"

 Total Number of Nodes in the Target Domain              =          343
 Bounding Box Volume of the Target Mesh                  =  2.70000E+01

 Checking all source domains from the source file:
   Target mesh is different from domain "Top Box".

 Searching for Candidate Source Domains:

 Warning: The target mesh does not intersect with any source meshes 
          that have the same domain type and motion. 
          Skip the interpolation. 

                  Interpolating Onto Domain "Top Box"

 Total Number of Nodes in the Target Domain              =          343
 Bounding Box Volume of the Target Mesh                  =  2.70000E+01

 Checking all source domains from the source file:
   Target mesh is the same as domain "Top Box".

 Start direct copying of variables from domain "Top Box".

 |                     Variable Range Information                     |
 |      Variable Name                         |    min    |    max    |
 | Thermal Conductivity                       |  2.61E-02 |  2.61E-02 |
 | Courant Number                             |  9.86E-02 |  4.52E+00 |
 | Density                                    |  1.18E+00 |  1.18E+00 |
 | Static Entropy                             |  0.00E+00 |  0.00E+00 |
 | Pressure                                   |  1.59E+01 |  6.01E+01 |
 | Specific Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure|  1.00E+03 |  1.00E+03 |
 | Specific Heat Capacity at Constant Volume  |  1.00E+03 |  1.00E+03 |
 | Temperature                                |  2.98E+02 |  2.98E+02 |
 | Velocity                                   |  2.02E-01 |  8.09E+00 |
 | Dynamic Viscosity                          |  1.83E-05 |  1.83E-05 |