5.3.2. Edit Menu

The Edit menu contains: Add Parameter Command

Some categories (for example, the FLOW > SOLVER CONTROL > CONVERGENCE CONTROL section) allow additional parameters that are not shown by default.

The Add Parameter option is used to:

  • Add a new parameter to a category when the category is selected.

  • Add an expert parameter to the CFX Command Language file after the Expert Parameter Section has been created. For details, see Add Expert Parameter Section Command.

If a parameter can be added to a section, a dialog box displays with a drop-down list of available parameters. Ensure that parameters being added make sense and use correct units as required.

  1. Select a parameter that enables additional parameters to be added.

  2. Select Edit > Add Parameter.

  3. In the drop-down list select a parameter.

  4. Under Value, enter specific information about the parameter.

    For details, see Command File Editor Rules.

  5. Click OK.

Note that it is also possible to add a parameter that is not in the drop-down list by typing its name into the top field and then entering a value. The CFX-Solver will subsequently fail if either the supplied name or value is inappropriate. Edit Parameter Command

The Edit Parameter option enables changes to an existing expert parameter in the CFX Command Language file.

When the Command File Editor is first opened, the Root is displayed. It contains three categories: LIBRARY, EXECUTION CONTROL (seen only when editing version 5.5 or later .res files) and FLOW.

In CFX-Solver Input files, only two categories are displayed: LIBRARY and FLOW.

Note:  Parameters that can be edited display the value in green. Other parameters cannot be changed from the Command File Editor. Expanding Categories

Additional information about a category can be seen by expanding it.

  • Click the plus/minus boxes to expand or reduce the category selection.

    Tip:  Right-click to expand the category and all of its subcategories. Editing Entries

Important:  Editing the CFX Command Language file changes the CFX-Solver input file, but does not make changes to the CFX-Pre case file; that is, changes made by the Command File Editor are used by the CFX-Solver but do not appear when the case file is reopened in CFX-Pre.

  1. Expand the Name of the entry until a Value in green or orange is displayed.

    Editable values display in green or in orange.

  2. Double-click the value to edit.

    The Edit Parameter dialog box is displayed.

  3. Edit the value as required.

    In some parameters this may require edits to text and in others a selection in a drop-down list box. For details, see Command File Editor Rules.

  4. Click OK.

  5. When all modifications have been made, save the file.

    Changes made to the CFX Command Language file are written in the CFX-Solver input file. Delete Parameter Command

The Delete Parameter option is used to remove an expert parameter from the CFX Command Language file. Add Expert Parameter Section Command

The Add Expert Parameter Section provides access to the expert parameters in CFX. An expert parameter section must be created before adding expert parameters to the CFX Command Language file.

Before adding any expert parameters to the CFX Command Language file, first add an expert parameters section to the tree structure displayed in the Command File Editor.

  1. Select Edit > Add Expert Parameter Section.

    The EXPERT PARAMETERS: section is added to the bottom of the FLOW branch of the tree.

  2. Expand FLOW.


  4. Add parameters as required.

    For details, see Add Parameter Command.

Once the value for an expert parameter has been set, it can be edited as needed. For details, see Edit Parameter Command. Find Command

Enables searching of the CFX Command Language file for a keyword or keywords. Find Next Command

Finds the next occurrence of the keyword or keywords.