5.4. Command File Editor Rules

If you are unsure about which values are appropriate to enter, select Help > On Expert Parameters from the main Command File Editor window to view a description and valid values for the parameters.

The following rules apply when using the Command File Editor:

  • Everything is case-sensitive. Use care to distinguish upper case letters from lower case letters.

  • Parameter names must start with a letter (not a number or symbol). Subsequent characters can be letters, numbers, spaces or tabs.

  • Spaces appearing before or after a name are not considered to be part of the name.

  • Multiple spaces and tabs appearing inside a name are treated as a single space.

  • For parameters requiring a logical value, enter T or t for true, and F or f for false. For many parameters requiring an integer value only a few integer values are valid.

These rules should suffice for simple editing operations. To perform more complicated editing operations, consider editing the command file directly. For details, see Editing the Command Language (CCL) File.