2.3. Run Output Results

Once the run definition is complete and the run is started, a new workspace is created and the Workspace drop-down list will contain an entry based on the name of the Solver Input File. For example, using the Solver Input File named case.def, the workspace entry will be similar to Run case 001. Note that the integer index is identical to the index used for the CFX-Solver Output and results files for the run. For multi-configuration simulations, one additional workspace is created as each new configuration is executed. The Workspace drop-down list will contain entries based on the names of the configurations.

Most workspaces contain a mixture of plot and text output monitors that are updated by the CFX-Solver as the simulation progresses. By default, appropriate monitors are automatically created in the workspace for the particular type of simulation you are running. These include:

  • Plot monitors showing the normalized residuals (which should decrease as the solution progresses) for each equation being solved, plus any user-defined monitor values.

  • A text monitor showing the contents of the CFX-Solver Output file. For details, see CFX-Solver Output File.

No plot monitors are generated for the simulation-level workspace (named according to the Solver Input File) created for multi-configuration simulations. This workspace includes one text monitor, showing the contents of the Multi-Configuration CFX-Solver Output File. For details, see Multi-Configuration CFX-Solver Output File.

When the CFX-Solver stops running, a dialog box is displayed that indicates whether the run completed normally or not, and additional information regarding the reasons for terminating the run are presented in the text output window.

The following dialog boxes may appear:

  • Solver Run Finished Normally

  • Solver Run Stopped By User

  • Solver Run Terminated With Errors

To close the dialog box without postprocessing the results, click OK.

On the Solver Run Finished Normally and Solver Run Stopped By User dialog boxes, you can choose from the following options:

Post-Process Results

Opens CFD-Post with the specified CFX-Solver Results file loaded.

Multi-Configuration Load Options

If this option is available, you can use it to control how the results of a multi-configuration run are loaded, or to load just the last case of such a run.

Select a multi-configuration load option to control how you load a multi-configuration (.mres) file or a results file (.res) that contains a run history (that is, a file that was produced from a definition file that had its initial values specified from a results file from a previous run and saved to the results file that you are loading). Choose:

  • Single Case to load all configurations of a multi-configuration run as a single case, or all of the results history from a results file that contains a run history. In either case, only one set of results will appear in the viewer, but you can use the timestep selector to move between results. This option is not fully supported.

  • Separate Cases to load all configurations from a multi-configuration run into separate cases. If a results file with run history is loaded, CFD-Post loads the results from this file and the results for any results file in its run history as separate cases. Each result appears as a separate entry in the tree.

  • Last Case to load only the last configuration of a multi-configuration results file, or only the last results from a results file that contains a run history.

Shut down CFX-Solver Manager

Shuts down CFX-Solver Manager before CFD-Post is launched. This minimizes the number of licenses you use concurrently.

To post-process the results, make the desired settings on the dialog box and click OK.

After a run has finished you can use CFX-Solver Manager to:

The CFX Tutorials describe how to use the CFX-Solver Manager step-by-step for several different cases. If you are a new user, you should try at least the first few tutorials.