8.1.3. Global Plot Settings Tab

Plotting of coefficient loop/cloop data is turned off by default.

For transient runs, this selects or clears plotting of cloop data for each inner loop. This is in addition to plotting data for each outer loop/timestep. For details, see Transient Residual Plotting.

Note:  As turning on the cloop setting results in a three to seven times increase in the size of the monitor data file, it affects the performance of the CFX-Solver Manager.

  1. Select Workspace > Workspace Properties > Global Plot Settings.

  2. Select or clear Plot Coefficient Loop Data.

  3. Under Plot Data By select Time Step or Simulation Time.

    Variables are plotted against accumulated Time Step (the default) or against Simulation Time. The latter is useful when using non-uniform timesteps.

  4. (affects Cyclic XY and Polar chart types only)

    Specify Cyclic Plot Settings:

    1. Under Period Definition select, as applicable, Timesteps, Time Period, or Time, then provide a value. These options are the same as for the interval definition for a derived variable, described in Derived Variable Properties.

    2. Under Period Offset select None, End of Run, Specified Timestep, or Specified Time.

      This determines whether and how to apply an offset to the period used for plotting purposes. The options End of Run, Specified Timestep, and Specified Time each define the end of a period for plotting purposes.

      Descriptions of each option follow:

      • None: The start of the period calculation is at time step zero (for periods specified by time step) or at a time of 0 s (for periods specified by time). This is the default.

      • End of Run: The end of the run is used as the end of a period. This setting is recommended for completed runs, because it ensures that if you have asked for n cycles, you get the full n cycles plotted and no partial cycles. However, for runs in progress, this would mean that the whole plot would be shifted every time a new time step is completed.

      • Specified Timestep: The start/end of the period calculation is user specified. This is available if Period Definition is set to Timesteps or Time Period.

      • Specified Time: The start/end of the period calculation is user specified. This is available if Period Definition is set to Time.

    3. If applicable, set Offset Timestep or Offset Time.

    4. Set Number of Cycles to the number of cycles to plot. If you specify n cycles, there are n lines on the plot for each plot variable selected for plotting.

    5. Optionally specify Plot Line Variation to control how the style or color of the plot lines varies between cycles. When coloring is used, the latest cycle is displayed in the darkest color. When dashed lines are used, the latest cycle is displayed with a solid line, and the older cycles are displayed with progressively shorter dashes and dots. Note that there is a limited number of dashed patterns; if the plot has more than five cycles, the oldest cycles may not be distinguishable.

    For more information on chart types, see Chart Type Settings Tab.