4.3. Transient Residual Plotting

When monitoring a transient run with the plotting of coefficient loop data selected, CFX-Solver Manager outputs the monitor data for each coefficient loop within each timestep. Each timestep is divided by the number of inner coefficient loops. The values are produced for all variables in each coefficient loop.

With the plotting selected, CFX-Solver Manager outputs the graph of monitor data. The strategy that CFX-Solver Manager uses for plot data is to plot the loops evenly across the space between iteration N-1 and N, so that the last coefficient loop is in line with iteration N on the plot. When the first coefficient loop value becomes available, it is the only value, and therefore it is placed in line with iteration N. As more data is added, the older coefficient loop values are shifted back, so that they are evenly spaced, with the last coefficient loop always in line with N.

Example: Assume that four coefficient loops were run for timestep 39. The first coefficient loop value for a plotted variable appears at position 38.25, the second at 38.5, the third at 38.75, and the fourth and final value is plotted at 39.

For details on plotting coefficient loop data, see Global Plot Settings Tab.