2.3.5. Node Routines

These routines define the 3D coordinates of points in space(nodes) that will be used to define elements or 2D regions that are to be imported to CFX. Each node has a unique identifier called a node ID. cfxImportNode

ID_t cfxImportNode (nodeid, x, y, z)
ID_t nodeid;
double x, y, z;

Define a node in the import API to be subsequently imported into CFX. The unique identifier of the node is given by nodeid, and the coordinates of the node by x, y, and z.

Returns 0 if nodeid is invalid (less than 1), or nodeid is successfully defined. If a node with the same identity has already been defined, the coordinate values will alter to the supplied values. cfxImportGetNode

ID_t cfxImportGetNode (nodeid, x, y, z)
ID_t nodeid;
double *x, *y, *z;

Get the coordinates for the node identified by nodeid and return the values in x, y, and z. Returns 0 if the node has not been defined or the node ID for the node. cfxImportNodeList

ID_t * cfxImportNodeList ()

Returns an array of all node identifiers currently defined or NULL if no nodes have been defined. The first entry in the array is the number of nodes currently defined.

The memory for the array returned is allocated using malloc by the routine, consequently it should be destroyed when no longer required by calling free.