3.1.2. Example of Output Produced

If the export program is correctly compiled and run, the following output is obtained. For details, see Using a Customized Export Program.

In this example, the CFX results file contains three variables at user level 1: pressure, temperature and velocity. This is in a file named file.res. No timesteps or domains were specified, and the basename was specified as an example.

The following is displayed on screen:

reading CFX results from <file.res>
processing all domains
writing Template Geometry file to <example.geom>
   writing 2365 nodes ... done
   writing 11435 elements... done
writing Template results file to <example.res>
writing variable output files
   Pressure    -> example.s01 ... done
   Temperature -> example.s02 ... done
   Velocity    -> example.v03 ... done

Five files are produced: the geometry file example.geom, the Template results file example.res, and three variable files called example.s01, example.s02 and example.v03, which contain the results for pressure, temperature and velocity, respectively. For details, see: example.geom

The content of this file appears as:

Template Geometry file exported from CFX
node id given
element id off
      1 2.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00
      2-2.00000e+00-6.51683e-07 0.00000e+00
      3 2.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 2.00000e+00
      4-2.00000e+00-6.51683e-07 2.00000e+00
      5 3.00000e+00 1.00000e+00 5.00000e-01
      2362-1.13337e+00 2.18877e-01 4.02491e-01
      2363-1.12115e+00-3.66598e-01 2.22610e-01
      2364 1.36924e+00 4.78359e-01 1.22588e-01
      2365-3.30703e-01 1.38487e+00 2.23515e+00
part 1
volume elements
      754     230      12     145
      755     216       8     122
      756     212     125     215
      2365   496      475     474
   0 example.res

The content of this file appears as:

2 1 0
0 1
example.s01 Pressure
example.s02 Temperature
example.v03 Velocity example.s01

The content of this file appears as:

   1.42748e+04 1.42621e+04 1.43425e+04 1.43350e+04 1.44118e+04 1.44777e+04
   1.38639e+04 1.37352e+04 1.44130e+04 1.44755e+04 1.37733e+04 1.37626e+04
   1.39092e+04 1.40699e+04 1.24139e+04 1.34786e+04 1.34859e+04 1.37959e+04