In flows with a dispersed phase, large particles in the dispersed phase tend to increase turbulence in the continuous phase due to the presence of wakes behind the particles. This is known as particle-induced turbulence.
The Enhanced Turbulence Production Model settings can be used to model particle-induced turbulence.
The options are:
Particle-induced turbulence is not modeled.
Sato Enhanced Eddy Viscosity
This option is available for Continuous Fluid | Dispersed Fluid, Continuous Fluid | Polydispersed Fluid and Continuous Fluid | Dispersed Solid pair combinations for Eulerian | Eulerian pairs, but does not apply when the Homogeneous multiphase model is active, and is not available for Continuous Fluid | Particle pairs. For details, see Fluid Pair Models Tab in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.
Turbulence Source Terms
This option enables the use of a dissipation timescale model.
The Dissipation Timescale Model options are:
Turbulence Timescale
Rzehak and Krepper
User Defined
Set a value for Dissipation Timescale.
Optionally set Dissipation Coefficient.
For theoretical information about enhanced turbulence production models, see Enhanced Turbulence Production Models in the CFX-Solver Theory Guide.