16.6.1. Global Dynamic Model Control

This option should generally be left selected. By itself, the only change made during the first few iterations is to turn off a product limiter for combusting/reacting flows. The product limiter is disabled for the first five iterations, after which it is turned back on. This behavior can be overridden by adding the following lines to the CCL in your CFX-Solver input file (which must first be converted to an editable text file). For details, see Editing the Command Language (CCL) File in the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.

		Transition Iteration = 0

This would cause the product limiter to be on all the time.

Specific controls to the turbulence and hydrodynamic equations are described next; however, the Global Dynamic Model Control toggle must be selected for these to have any effect.

Note:  For each of the turbulence, combustion and hydro controls, the transition iteration is the iteration at which the change from the starting model to the model chosen for the simulation is made. The fifth iteration is often a reasonable choice. The default transition iteration is zero; that is, the starting model is not used unless you set a transition iteration.