5.6. Editing the Command Language (CCL) File

In some circumstances, more significant changes may be required to the CFX-Solver input file than is possible through the Command File Editor. Ansys CFX allows the use of a text editor to edit the CFX Command Language file.

Note:  This feature is for expert users only. Extreme care must be taken when editing a CFX Command Language file. Changes made to the CFX Command Language file are reflected in the CFX-Solver input file and may have negative effects on the model. It is strongly advised that original files are backed up before edits are made to them.

To generate the CFX Command Language file, use the cfx5cmds command in a Linux terminal or a Windows command line that is set up correctly to run CFX commands. For details, see Command Line in the CFX Reference Guide.

Note:  If you use cfx5cmds to update CCL, and/or you use cfx5dfile to update the profile data or table data stored within the case, then you must, in addition to updating an mdef file, also perform the same update to any associated .def or .cfg files.