13.1. Defining an Operating Point Case

An operating point case includes the specification of a set of operating points. This specification is held by an Operating Points object, which appears in CFX-Pre in the Outline tree view under Simulation Control.

You can set up an operating point case in CFX-Pre as follows:

  1. Create an operating point input parameter table with each row corresponding to an operating point. One column acts as a row index, holding a different integer value for each row. The remaining columns hold input parameter data. Note that the table file format is similar to the CFX profile data file format (see Profile Data Format in the CFX-Pre User's Guide).

    You can create/edit the table in CFX-Pre, or using a text editor.

    An example table file is shown below:

              Compressor Operating Points
              [Index Fields]
              Index, massFlow [kg s^-1], speed [rev min^-1]
              1, 1.23000002e+00, 1.45000000e+03
              2, 1.24000001e+00, 1.55000000e+03
              3, 1.25000000e+00, 1.65000000e+03
              4, 1.27999997e+00, 1.78000000e+03
              #-- End of profile Input Table--

    For details on table editing, see Establishing Table Data and Creating Table Functions in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

  2. Load the table, either from the table editor or by selecting Tools > Initialize Profile Data and selecting the table data file.

    CFX-Pre automatically creates a user function for retrieving table data. The user function is listed in the Outline tree view under Expressions, Functions and Variables > User Functions. For details, see Table User Functions in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

  3. Define at least one solution monitor to represent the result for an operating point as a single value.

    For example, you could create a monitor for total pressure ratio. For details, see Working with Monitors in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

    For transient simulations, you can use a statistical quantity to represent the result of an operating point simulation. For details, see [Monitor Name]: Monitor Statistics in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

    The monitors that you define will become output parameter values in the resulting operating point parameter table, which is viewable in CFD-Post and can be exported. The operating point parameter table is essentially the operating point input parameter table (defined in CFX-Pre) with added columns showing output parameter values (each output parameter corresponding to a monitor defined in CFX-Pre).

  4. Define an Operating Points object that refers to the operating point input parameter table.

    The Operating Points object, once defined, is listed in the Outline tree view under Simulation Control.

    Within the Operating Points object, you can optionally define one or more operating maps by specifying a pair of independent variables for each map. The available independent variables are: operating point input parameters provided in the table data; defined solution monitors (see Monitor Tab in the CFX-Pre User's Guide). For details, see Operating Points in the CFX-Pre User's Guide. Note that you can also define operating maps in CFD-Post. Nevertheless, the Operating Points object is required for operating point cases.

  5. Optionally define expressions to be used for input parameters, making use of the aforementioned user function as needed to retrieve table data.

    For example, you could define an expression as Compressor Operating Points.massFlowOut(Index) so that it accepts a table row index value and returns the corresponding value from the column for mass flow rate.

  6. Develop an operating point simulation, specifying physics conditions using the table function.

    For example, you could specify the mass flow rate for an inlet boundary using an expression (whether defined earlier or typed in-line) that retrieves values via the table function.