Chapter 36: Operating Points

Operating points are used to construct operating maps. For modeling information, see Operating Maps and Operating Point Cases in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

You access the Operating Points details view in CFX-Pre by clicking Insert > Solver > Operating Points or by right-clicking Simulation Control in the Outline tree view and selecting Insert > Operating Points.

Details of the Operating Points tab:


The only available option is From Table.

Table Name

Choose a table that provides operating point input parameter values.

In order for a table to be available for use, it must either be initialized from the Initialize Profile Data dialog box (see Initialize Profile Data) or be saved from the Edit Table Data dialog box (see Establishing Table Data and Creating Table Functions) within the current session.

Operating Map Definitions

Define one or more operating maps by specifying a pair of independent variables (from the set of operating point input parameters) for each map.