12.1.5. Using Real Gas Property (RGP) Tables

You can create RGP files from CFX-Pre. For details, see Generate RGP File in the CFX-Pre User's Guide. Loading .rgp files

If you have created your own .rgp file, you can create a new material in CFX-Pre in the materials tab. On the Material Properties form, set the Option to Table and fill in the filename and component-name fields. For details, see Table. Comments on Pressure and Temperature Ranges

If you use an .rgp file for material properties, you must ensure that your application falls within the temperature and pressure ranges used to generate the tables. .rgp tables can be generated using your own table generator or using the Tools menu in CFX-Pre. The built-in Real Gas or IAPWS equations of state are a convenient option because the flow solver automatically calculates all necessary properties. Saturation Curve Clipping

Even when you run a dry vapor calculation with an .rgp file the flow solver automatically clips the vapor properties at the saturation curve provided in the .rgp file. If you create your own .rgp file you must ensure that the one dimensional saturation curves stored with each two dimensional table and the critical point have correct values. Note that, if desired, these curves can also be filled in with spinodal data so that an .rgp file can be used for modeling non-equilibrium phase change applications. Either way, if these data are not filled in with valid values then the clipping will not work. The correct way to fill in these values is described in a later section. For details, see Real Gas Property (RGP) File Format.