12.5.1. Particle Track: Geometry Tab Method

For Ansys CFX cases, the Method setting has the following options:


From Res

Creates the particle track from the current .res file. This option is available only with a valid results file.

CFX-4 Tracks From File

Creates the particle track data from the selected file.

Note:  You cannot load Fluent Particle Track Files using this option; such files can be loaded only via File > Import > Import Fluent Particle Track File. Domains

Domains is available only if the From Res option is selected. For details, see Domains. Material

Material is available only if the From Res option is selected. The Material setting selects a material to emulate with the particle track. File

File is available only for Ansys CFX cases. The File setting specifies the filename of a file to load. You may type in the filename or click Browse   to open the Select CFX-4 Particle Track File dialog box, and search for the file. Injections

For Ansys Fluent cases, the Injections setting enables you to filter by injection region. Reduction Type

The Reduction Type setting has the following options:


Maximum Number of Tracks

Enables you to set the maximum number of tracks to be plotted.

Reduction Factor

Enables you to specify a reduction factor to decrease the number of tracks to be plotted. Reduction

Reduction is available only if the Reduction Factor option is selected. This setting is the same as Factor for the Point Cloud object. For details, see Factor. Max Tracks

Max Tracks is available only if the Maximum Number of Tracks option is selected. The Max Tracks setting specifies the maximum number of tracks to be plotted. Limits Option

The Limits Option setting has the following options:


Up to Current Timestep

Plots the track values up to the current timestep only.

Since Last Timestep

Plots the track values from the previous timestep to the current timestep.

User Specified.

Enables you to specify a beginning and ending time/distance.

Note:  For transient cases, CFD-Post uses transient timesteps (as shown in the timestep selector) to determine Since Last Timestep values; CFD-Post does not limit timesteps by solver timesteps, or by what is written in the particle tracking XML file as separate times. Therefore, if Since Last Timestep is selected, the tracks will be limited to the values between the previous timestep (from that selected in the Timestep Selector) and the currently selected timestep. If this is a steady-state case, this option will not limit the tracks in any way. Limit Type and Start/End <variable>

Limit Type and Start/End <variable> are available only if the User Specified option is selected. The Limit Type setting specifies the limiting variable for the plot, and Start/End <limiter> specify a start and end value for the selected limiter.

  • For CFX cases, Limit Type can be either Time or Distance.

  • For Fluent cases, Limit Type can be either Time or Diameter. Filter Check Box

Select the Filter check box to specify filters. The settings included are Start Region, End Region, Diameter, Track, and the Match ALL/Match ANY options. Start/End Region Check Boxes

These settings are available only if the From Res option is selected. Select the Start/End Region check boxes to filter out the tracks that do not start or end in the selected region. Diameter Check Box

Select the Diameter check box and set the corresponding text and list boxes to place restrictions on particles at the injection location. Track Check Box

Select the Track check box and enter numbers corresponding to tracks to display indicated tracks by entering a comma-delimited list of track numbers. You may also enter a range of track numbers. For example:

  • -5 specifies tracks 1 to 5

  • 40- specifies track numbers above 40

  • 10-100 specifies tracks 10 to 100.

You may view the Info tab to view the Total Tracks and Tracks Shown. For details, see Particle Track: Info Tab. Match ALL/Match ANY Options

Select Match All to display only the tracks that meet all of the specified Filter conditions. Selecting Match Any draws all tracks that meet one or more of the selected conditions.