3.6.2. Expressions Workspace: Expressions Details View

The Expressions details view contains the following tabs: Expression Definition Tab

You can access lists of variables, expressions, locators, functions and constants by right-clicking in the definition window when defining an expression. Although valid values can be chosen from each of the various lists, the validity of the expression itself is not checked until you click Apply. For details, see CEL Operators, Constants, and Expressions and CFX Expression Language (CEL) in CFD-Post.

Any expressions not containing variables are evaluated when you click Apply.

  1. Enter the definition of a new expression or edit the definition of an existing expression in the Definition text field.

    For details, see CFX Expression Language (CEL).

  2. The value of the expression is shown in the Value field.

  3. Click Reset to restore the expression to the definition stored in the database.

    Use this to undo changes that have not yet been applied.

  4. Click Apply to commit any changes or entries made in the Definition box.

After you have defined an expression, you can right-click it to make it a parameter for use in a Design Exploration:

  • You may choose Use as Workbench output parameter.

  • If the expression will not influence CFX-Pre, you may choose Use as Workbench input parameter. Note that this is not a common situation.

  • If the expression will influence CFX-Pre, you must use the Expression shortcut menu in CFX-Pre to make the expression an Ansys Workbench input parameter. Plot Expression Tab

The Plot tab enables you to plot an expression for a range of one of its variables with the other variables (if there are any others) held constant.

  1. If you have multiple cases loaded and an expression that applies to only one case highlighted, specify the Case.

  2. Choose the number of sample data points (# of Points) of the expression that you would like plotted.

  3. Select the independent variable (X) of the expression for use in the plot.

  4. Specify a Range for this variable in the plot.

    All other values are constant (their check boxes cannot also be checked). Enter fixed values for them.

  5. Click Plot Expression to view the plot.

After viewing the chart, you may click Define Plot to return the Plot tab to its previous state (which shows the plot settings). Evaluate Expression Tab

The Evaluate tab is provided to help you verify that the expression highlighted in the Expression tree view is set up correctly. To evaluate an expression:

  1. If you have multiple cases loaded and a locator-based function (such as "areaAve(Pressure)@outlet") highlighted, specify the Case in which you want the expression evaluated.

  2. If the expression requires that you provide values, type them in.

  3. Click Evaluate Expression.

    The value of the expression is displayed in the Value field.