15.6.1. Turbo Line: Geometry

Set the following:

  1. Set the applicable Domains as described in Selecting Domains.

  2. Define the line. The options available for the Method are:

    • Inlet to Outlet, which creates a line at specific Span Normalized and Theta value, over a range of streamwise values.

      Select the number of points along the line per component with the value you enter in the Samples/Comp box. The sample line is a set of evenly-spaced sampling points that are independent of the mesh spacing.

    • Hub to Shroud, which creates a line of a specific Mode at a specific Theta value. The method for creating a line in this way is the same as for the locator line in a hub-to-shroud turbo chart. For details on the possible Mode settings, see Hub to Shroud Turbo Charts.

      Tip:  If you set a mesh-density based turbo line and want to be able to see the points of analysis so that you can set an appropriate amount of reduction, you can create a vector (Insert > Vector) and define its Location to be the turbo line.

    • Circumferential, which creates a line at specific streamwise and span values, over a range of Theta values. The number of samples is required. The number of points along the line will correspond to the value you enter in the Samples box. The sample line is a set of evenly-spaced sampling points that are independent of the mesh spacing. For details, see:

  3. For Inlet to Outlet and Circumferential, set the Bounds.

    • When None is selected, the Turbo Line is restricted to only the parameters specified in the Definition section of the form. The Turbo Line is not bounded by the limits of the domain if the conditions you specify describe locations outside of the domain.

    • When End Points is selected, you can define the ends of the Turbo Line by entering the maximum and minimum for the dimension making up the line. The Turbo Line is visible but will be colored with an undefined color in areas where the line extends outside of the domains specified in the Domains list.