13.9. Command Editor

To start the Command Editor:

  1. Select Tools > Command Editor. Alternatively, right-click any object that can be modified using the Command Editor and select Edit in Command Editor.

    • If you select Tools > Command Editor, the Command Editor opens and displays the current state regardless of any selection.

      • If the Command Editor dialog box has not been used previously, it will be blank.

      • If the Command Editor dialog box has been used previously, it will contain CCL commands. If you do not want to edit the CCL that appears, click Clear to erase all content.

    • If you right-click an object and select Edit in Command Editor, the CCL definition of the specific object populates the Command Editor automatically. Modify or add parameters as required, then process the new object definition to apply the changes.

  2. Click in the Command Editor.

  3. Prepare the content of the Command Editor by adding new content, modifying the existing content, or both.

    The types of content that may be prepared are CCL, action commands, and power syntax. Combinations of these types of content are allowed. For details, see:

    Right-click in the Command Editor to access basic editing functions. These functions include Find, which makes a search tool appear at the bottom of the Command Editor dialog box. Enter a search term and click either Next or Previous to search upwards or downwards from the insertion point or text selection. To hide the search tool, press Esc.

  4. Click Process.

    The contents are processed: CCL changes will affect CCL object definitions, actions will be carried out, and power syntax will be run.