15.9.1. Calculating Cylindrical Velocity Components for Non-turbo Cases

If you want to calculate cylindrical velocity components for non-turbo cases, such as for swirling flows in axisymmetric geometries and mixing tank calculations, you can use the Calculate Velocity Components button on the Turbo workspace:

  1. Load a results file for an axisymmetric simulation. (You can load a copy of StaticMixer_001.res (provided with a tutorial) to work through this example.)

  2. Select the Turbo tab to open the Turbo workspace. A dialog box asks if you want to auto-initialize all components, but as this is unnecessary click No.

  3. On the Turbo workspace's Initialization area, click Define Global Rotational Axis.

  4. In the Define Global Rotational Axis dialog box, select the appropriate axis and click OK. (For the static mixer example, set Axis to Z.)

  5. In the Initialization area, click Calculate Velocity Components. New variables such as Velocity Circumferential become available. (You can see these new variables in the Variables workspace.)

  6. Create a plane so that you can display a cylindrical velocity component:

    1. From the menu bar, select Insert > Location > Plane. In the dialog box that appears, accept the default name and click OK.

    2. In the details view for Plane 1 on the Geometry tab, ensure that Method is YZ Plane.

    3. On the Color tab, set Mode to Variable and Variable to Velocity Circumferential.

    4. Click Apply. The plane is colored to show the velocity at each point.

    5. Right-click the viewer background and select Predefined Camera > View From +X so that the plane is easier to see.

Important:  Not all axisymmetric cases can have velocity components calculated in this way. In particular, cases that involve particles (such as smoke) will fail.