12.5.3. Particle Track: Symbol Tab Show Symbols Check Box

This setting and its options are similar to those for the Show Symbols check box for the streamline object, as described in Show Symbols Check Box. The differences are that a particle track has a Max Time is setting and different symbol size options.

The Size Option choices are Constant and Particle Diameter:

  • When Size Option is Constant, the symbol size is constant for all particles. The particle size displayed is a mean particle diameter size multiplied by the value you set with the Scale setting.

  • When Size Option is Particle Diameter, the Scale Type can be Absolute or Relative.

    • When Scale Type is Absolute, the particle size displayed is a mean particle diameter size multiplied by the value you set with the Scale setting.

    • When Scale Type is Relative, symbol sizes are scaled by the domain.

Note:  Enabling symbols for single-point tracks will cause CFD-Post to show symbols for each point that exists between the Min. Time and Max. Time. The interval setting has no effect because there is no interval to show. This behavior is different than for tracks that have segments, because tracks without segments are not visible unless a symbol is drawn on them.

For particle tracks that have no lines for the given set of tracks, CFD-Post evaluates each point for the tracks against the Min. Time and Max. Time and, if the time on that vertex falls between those times, a symbol is drawn. Therefore, track symbols will exist on track vertices that have differing times (that is, it will not just be a symbol at 1.0 s for all tracks; rather, it will be a symbol for all track points with a time between 0.5 s and 1.0 s). Max Time is

The Max Time is setting has the following options:


User Specified

Enables you to enter a custom value for the maximum time value. This is the default for steady-state simulations.

Current Time

Uses the current timestep as the maximum time value. This is the default for transient simulations. Show Tracks Check Box

The settings for this check box are the same as for the Show Streams check box for the streamline object. For details, see Show Streams Check Box. Show Track Numbers Check Box

Select the Show Track Numbers check box to display and edit the appearance of track numbers. The track numbers will be displayed at the beginning of each numbered track. This setting and its options are similar to the Show Numbers check box for the contour object. For details, see Show Numbers Check Box.