12.4.3. Streamline: Symbol Tab

The Symbol tab adds markers to each streamline at given time intervals. Show Symbols Check Box

Select the Show Symbols check box to draw symbols at a user-specified time interval along the streamline. Min Time

The Min Time setting specifies a minimum time to start plotting the symbols. The time value can also be an expression. To create an expression, click the Expression   icon and enter the expression. Max Time

The Max Time setting specifies a maximum time to stop plotting the symbols. The time value may also be an expression. To create an expression, click the Expression   icon and enter the expression. Interval

The Interval setting specifies the time interval at which you want to plot the symbols. Symbol

The same options are available for the Symbol setting for the vector object. For details, see Symbol. The symbols are drawn along the vector for the streamline at the given point. Symbol Size

This setting is identical to the Symbol Size setting for the vector object. For details, see Symbol Size. Show Streams Check Box

Select the Show Streams check box to display the streamline or streamlines. Stream Type

The Stream Type setting has the following options:



Plots the streamline as a line.


Plots the streamline in tube shape.


Plots the streamline in a flat tube shape. Ribbons also displays axial rotation of the fluid as it passes through the domain. Line Width/Tube Width/Ribbon Width

These settings control the width of the streamline. # of Sides

# of Sides is available only if the Tube option is selected. The # of Sides setting specifies the number of sides to the tube. The minimum number of sides is 3 and the maximum is 20. Initial Direction

Initial Direction is available only if the Ribbon option is selected. The Initial Direction setting specifies the initial direction of the ribbon streamline.