1.4. Advanced Features

CFD-Post also contains advanced features:

CFX Command Language (CCL)

CCL is the internal command language used within CFD-Post. CCL is used to create objects or perform actions. CFD-Post enables command line, session file, or state file input through the CFX Command Language (CCL). For details, see CFX Command Language (CCL) in CFD-Post.

CFX Expression Language (CEL)

CEL is a powerful expression language used to create user-defined variables, expressions, and so on. For details, see CFX Expression Language (CEL).

Power Syntax

Power Syntax provides integration of the Perl programming language with CCL to enable the creation of advanced subroutines. For details, see Power Syntax in Ansys CFX.

Batch Mode

CFD-Post can be run in batch mode (often using a session file as the basis for a series of actions that will be executed). For details, see Running in Batch Mode.