Almost all of the functionality of CFD-Post can be accessed when running in batch mode.
When running in batch mode, a Viewer is not provided and you cannot enter commands at a
command prompt. Instead, commands are issued via a CFD-Post session file
(*.cse), the name of which is specified when executing the command to
start batch mode. The session file can be created using a text editor, or, more easily, by
recording a session while running in line interface or user interface mode. You can leave a
session file recording while you quit from user interface or line interface mode to write the
command to a session file. Alternatively, you can use a text editor
to add this command to the end of the session file.
When launching CFD-Post in batch mode on a remote Linux machine, the
variable on the remote machine must be set to a valid X display
before running in batch mode if CHARTS are to be generated (viewer images can still be generated
in batch mode without the DISPLAY
variable being set). Typically the
variable is set to be your local Windows or Linux machine. The
remote machine must have permission to connect to the display (for example, by use of the xhost
command if the X display is on a Linux machine).
To run in batch mode, execute one of the following commands at the command prompt:
Windows |
Linux |
You can include the name of a results file in your session file, which is described in the example below. However, you can also pass the name of a results file and a session to CFD-Post from the command line. This allows you to apply a generic session file to a series of different results files. To launch CFD-Post in batch file mode, load a results file and execute the statements in a session file using one of the following commands:
Windows |
Linux |
To load multiple files, you may list the filenames at the end. For example, fluid.res fluid1.res