7.1. Loading and Viewing the Solver Results

When you load a solver results file into CFD-Post, the 3D Viewer displays the wireframe of the geometry, the mesh, the boundaries, and the domains. You can immediately display on any of the walls or boundaries the values of the variables that were imported with the geometry. You can also use the functions and macros that are supplied.

If those elements do not provide enough resolution, you can make use of CFD-Post's features to add:

  • Locations where you can display or analyze variable values (points, point clouds, lines, planes, volumes, isosurfaces, vortex core regions, surfaces of revolution, polylines, user surfaces, and surface groups).

  • Using selected locations, generate vectors, contours, streamlines and particle tracks to generate qualitative displays of the results.

  • Expressions or macros that you can use to make new variables or to perform quantitative evaluation, integration, and averaging.