19.1. Features Available in Line Interface Mode

The following features are available in line interface mode:

Viewer Hotkeys

The zoom, rotate, pan and other mouse actions available for manipulating the Viewer in the user interface perform identical functions in the Viewer in Line Interface mode. In addition to this, hotkeys can be used to manipulate other aspects of the Viewer. For a full list of all the hotkeys available, click in the Viewer to make it the active window and select the ? icon. To execute a hotkey command, click once in the Viewer (or on the object, as some functions are object-specific) and type the command.


When functions are evaluated from the command line, the result is simply printed to standard output.

For a list of valid calculator functions and required parameters, type calculate help at the command prompt. Additional information is available; for details, see Quantitative Calculations in the Command Editor Dialog Box.

Viewing All Currently Defined Objects (getstate Command)

The list of all currently defined objects can be obtained using the getstate command. To get details on a specific object, type getstate <ObjectName>.

Viewing a Chart

You can view a chart object in the Chart Viewer using the chart <ChartObjectName> command.

Repeating CCL Commands

If you want to repeat the most recent CCL command, type: =

Executing a UNIX Shell Command

If you want to carry out a UNIX shell command, type % directly before your command. For example, %ls will list all the files in your current directory.

Quitting a Command Line Interface Session

To end your CFD-Post command line interface session from the command prompt, enter: quit

Example  —  The following example provides a set of commands that you could enter at the CFX> command prompt. The output written to the screen when executing these commands is not shown.

CFX> load filename=c:/MyFiles/StaticMixer.res
CFX> getstate StaticMixer Default
CFX> e
BOUNDARY:StaticMixer Default
Visibility = On
Transparency = 0.5
CFX> quit