3.2.2. Small Angle Stability

The stability criterion used for a free-floating body is the metacentric height. When the body's weight equals the weight of fluid displaced and the center of gravity and center of buoyancy are in the same vertical line, you must check the metacentric heights so that the sign of the hydrostatic restoration can be assessed.

The cut water-plane properties of a body in the equilibrium position can be used to estimate the body's metacenter. The cut water-plane area can be calculated by


and the center of the cut water-plane area (center of flotation) in the fixed reference axes (FRA) is


The second moments of the cut water-plane area about the center of flotation are


The angle between the principal X'-axis and the positive X-axis measured counterclockwise is


with respect to the principal X'- and Y'-axes,


As shown in Figure 3.1: Metacenter of a Free-Floating Body, a free-floating body is in the initial equilibrium position, the center of gravity and center of buoyancy are at the locations of G and B0 respectively and on the same vertical line. By turning the body through a small angle with respect to the center of flotation, the total buoyant force remains constant, but the center of buoyancy moves to a new position, B. The metacenter, M, is defined as the intersection of the body's upward buoyant force with the centerline of the body after the body has been subjected a rotational disturbance and rotated by a small angle. The distance , is the metacentric height.

The righting moment, balances the disturbance moment and to restores the body to its original position if the rotational mode is stable. If , it represents a stable equilibrium. If , the equilibrium is in the neutral state. If , the equilibrium is unstable.

Figure 3.1: Metacenter of a Free-Floating Body

Metacenter of a Free-Floating Body

The longitudinal and transverse metacentric heights are defined as
