
Pressurised Cylinder Plasticity Benchmark

Test Description

A square of length R2-R1 and height H is constrained in the Z-direction on the top and bottom edges and offset a distance R1 from the origin. A distributed pressure load is applied to the left edge.

Geometric Properties (Axisymmetric)
R1 = 100 mm
R2 = 200 mm
H = 100 mm
Material Properties
E = 21.0 x 103 N/mm2
ν = 0.3
Plasticity Model
Perfect Plasticity: σys = 24.0 N/mm2
Isotropic Hardening: ET = 4.2 x 103 N/mm2
Boundary Conditions
Top and Bottom Edges: uz = 0
Internal pressure, P, at the bore (left edge) applied in 4 steps.
Step: Perfect PlasticityStep: Iso. Hardening
1: P = 10.0 N/mm21: P = 10.0 N/mm2
2: P = 14.0 N/mm22: P = 14.0 N/mm2
3: P = 16.6 N/mm23: P = 24.0 N/mm2
4: P = 19.2 N/mm24: P = 34.0 N/mm2


Reference: Stress results are displayed for each step as the step is incremented by 1 starting at 0 and ending at 4.

             |   Mechanical APDL   |   RATIO  |         INPUT         |
  SRAD               -15.3322         0.9720       vmr049-pl5a-182
  SAXI                -1.9040         1.0133       vmr049-pl5a-182
  SHOOP               12.3762         1.0371       vmr049-pl5a-182
  SEFF                24.0000         1.0000       vmr049-pl5a-182
  SRAD               -16.2156         1.0280       vmr049-pl5a-183
  SAXI                -1.8541         0.9868       vmr049-pl5a-183
  SHOOP               11.4910         0.9629       vmr049-pl5a-183
  SEFF                24.0000         1.0000       vmr049-pl5a-183

             |   Mechanical APDL   |   RATIO  |         INPUT         |
  SRAD               -26.7817         0.9910       vmr049-pl5b-182
  SAXI                 3.1492         0.8671       vmr049-pl5b-182
  SHOOP               38.6501         1.0231       vmr049-pl5b-182
  SRAD               -27.2679         1.0090       vmr049-pl5b-183
  SAXI                 4.1140         1.1327       vmr049-pl5b-183
  SHOOP               36.9054         0.9769       vmr049-pl5b-183