
Torsional Creep of Square Shaft

Test Description

A block of length L1, height L2, and thickness L3is rotated about the Z axis by β.

Geometric PropertiesMaterial PropertiesLoading
L1 = 1 mm
L2 = 2 mm
L3 = 0.2 mm
Angle of Rotation: β = 0.01 radians per unit length
Boundary Conditions
Back Face: ux = 0, uy = 0
Bottom Face and Left Face: uz = unknown (multi-point constraints)
uz = 0 at location (0,0,0), (L1,0,0), and (0,L2,0)
E = 10.0 N/mm2
ν = 0.3
Creep Law: dε/dt = Aσntm
A = 1.0E4 (t in hours, σ in N/mm2)
n = 5
m = -0.5
No applied forces

Note:  Front face and mid-plane, located at half the thickness, are rotated by an angle β. All nodes on the front face and mid-plane have ux = -rβLsinθ and uy = rβLsinθ, where L = 0.2 mm for the front face and L = 0.1 mm for the mid-plane. θ = angle measured anticlockwise from the X axis.


Reference: Shear stress values in YZ-direction for constant twist are displayed with respect to time.

             |   MAPDL   |   RATIO  |         INPUT         |
  SYZ2          0.0141       0.9884     vmr049-cr5-185 
  SYZ2          0.0143       1.0000     vmr049-cr5-186 
  SYZ2          0.0141       0.9852     vmr049-cr5-187 