
Thermally Induced Creep Benchmark

Test Description

A 10° slice of an axisymmetric sphere having an inner radius of R1 and outer radius of R2 is constrained at the top and bottom edges in the Y-direction. A distributed load, P, is applied to the left edge.

Geometric PropertiesMaterial PropertiesLoading
R1 = 200 mm
R2 = 500 mm
β = 10°
P = 30 N/mm2
Boundary Conditions
Bottom Edge: uz = 0
Top Edge: Perpendicular Displacement = 0 (symmetry condition)
Temperature prescibed at all nodes as follows: T = 333(1+100/r) where r is radius measured from the center of the sphere.
E = 10x103 N/mm2
ν = 0.25
Creep Law: dε/dt = Aσnf(T)
A = 3.0x10-6 (t in hours, σ, in N/mm2)
n = 5.5
f(T) = e-12500/T where T is temperature in °K
Pressure, P, on left edge.


Reference: Effective stress results are displayed for each hour starting from 0 and ending at 10 (log scale).

             |   Mechanical APDL   |   RATIO  |         INPUT         |
  SR205             11.2551           1.0005       vmr049-cr6-182 
  SR350             17.5837           1.0002       vmr049-cr6-182 
  SR495             21.1643           1.0002       vmr049-cr6-182 
  SR205             11.5369           1.0255       vmr049-cr6-183 
  SR350             17.6113           1.0018       vmr049-cr6-183 
  SR495             21.0756           0.9960       vmr049-cr6-183 