
Simply-Supported 'Solid' Square Plate

Test Description

A solid rectangular plate of length and width L = 10 and height H = 1 is situated in the x-y plane and constrained in the z direction. Frequency vibration analysis is performed on the model.

Geometic PropertiesMaterial PropertiesBoundary Conditions
L = H = 10m
W = 1m
E = 200 x 109 N/m2
ρ = 8000.0 kg/m3
ν = 0.3
Applied along the 4 edges on the plane Z = -0.5m
Uz = 0


Results are tabulated and displayed as in the NAFEMS manual.

             |   Mechanical APDL   |   RATIO  |         INPUT         |
  MODE4                44.396          0.9673        vmp09-t52-181
  MODE5,6             108.221          0.9889        vmp09-t52-181
  MODE7               164.503          0.9816        vmp09-t52-181
  MODE8               194.097          1.0026        vmp09-t52-181
  MODE9,10            206.734          1.0026        vmp09-t52-181
  MODE4                48.925          1.0660        vmp09-t52-185
  MODE5,6             123.931          1.1324        vmp09-t52-185
  MODE7               184.648          1.0998        vmp09-t52-185
  MODE8               195.655          1.0107        vmp09-t52-185
  MODE9,10            209.403          1.0121        vmp09-t52-185
  MODE4                43.837          0.9551        vmp09-t52-186
  MODE5,6             106.751          0.9754        vmp09-t52-186
  MODE7               161.176          0.9600        vmp09-t52-186
  MODE8               193.796          1.0011        vmp09-t52-186
  MODE9,10            205.971          0.9989        vmp09-t52-186
  MODE4                45.375          0.9886        vmp09-t52-187
  MODE5,6             112.672          1.0295        vmp09-t52-187
  MODE7               179.272          1.0678        vmp09-t52-187
  MODE8               193.940          1.0018        vmp09-t52-187
  MODE9,10            206.608          1.0020        vmp09-t52-187
  MODE4                44.110          0.9611        vmp09-t52-281
  MODE5,6             106.982          0.9775        vmp09-t52-281
  MODE7               162.337          0.9687        vmp09-t52-281
  MODE8               193.609          1.0001        vmp09-t52-281
  MODE9,10            202.570          0.9824        vmp09-t52-281

Element Mechanical APDL Ratio Test Input