
Free Annular Membrane

Test Description

A hollow circular plate of inner radius R1 = 1.8 and outer radius R2 = 6 is situated in the x-y plane constrained in the z direction at all nodes. Frequency vibration analysis is performed on the model.

Geometic PropertiesMaterial PropertiesBoundary Conditions

R1 = 1.8m

R2 = 6m

E = 200 x 109 N/m2

ρ = 8000.0 kg/m3

ν = 0.3

Applied at all nodes:
Uz = 0


Results are tabulated and displayed as in the NAFEMS manual.

             |   Mechanical APDL   |   RATIO  |         INPUT         |
  MODE4,5            137.164            1.061       vmp09-t33-182
  MODE6              228.563            1.011       vmp09-t33-182
  MODE7,8            240.395            1.024       vmp09-t33-182
  MODE9,10           292.317            1.105       vmp09-t33-182
  MODE11,12          354.146            1.052       vmp09-t33-182
  MODE13,14          433.481            1.150       vmp09-t33-182
  MODE4,5            125.834            0.974       vmp09-t33-183
  MODE6              224.207            0.991       vmp09-t33-183
  MODE7,8            232.940            0.992       vmp09-t33-183
  MODE9,10           263.489            0.996       vmp09-t33-183
  MODE11,12          335.553            0.997       vmp09-t33-183
  MODE13,14          376.986            1.001       vmp09-t33-183

Element Mechanical APDL Ratio Test Input