
Cable Supporting Hanging Loads


Reference: F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnston, Jr., Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Statics and Dynamics, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, NY, 1962, pg. 260, problem 7.8.
Analysis Type(s): Static, Stress Stiffening Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):

3D Spar (or Truss) Elements (LINK180)

3D Cable (CABLE280)

Input Listing: vm31.dat

Test Case

The cable AE supports three vertical loads from the points indicated. For the equilibrium position shown, determine the horizontal Ax and vertical Ay reaction forces at point A and the maximum tension T in the cable.

Figure 41: Hanging Load Problem Sketch

Hanging Load Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
E = 20 x 106 ksi
Area of cable = 0.1 ft2
= 10 ft
1 = 5.56 ft
2 = 5.83 ft
F1 = 4 kips
F2 = 6 kips

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

An iterative solution is required. A small initial strain (1 x 10-7) is input to give some initial stiffness to the cable.

Results Comparison

 Target[a]Mechanical APDLRatio
Ax , Kips-18.000-17.9971.000
Ay , Kips5.00005.00091.000
T, Kips24.76224.755[b]1.000
Ax , Kips-18.000-17.9971.000
Ay , Kips5.00005.00091.000
T, Kips24.76224.755[b]1.000

[a] Solution recalculated

[b] Corresponds to MFORX for element 4 in element solution output