
Critical Speeds for a Rotor Bearing System with Axisymmetric Elements


Reference:H.D. Nelson and J.M. McVaugh, "The dynamics of Rotor-Bearing System using Finite Elements", Journal of Engineering for industry, May 1976, pg: 593-600.
Analysis Type(s):Modal analysis (ANTYPE = 2)
Element Type(s):
General axisymmetric solid with 4 base nodes (SOLID272)
General Axisymmetric Solid with 8 Base Nodes (SOLID273)
2D spring damper elements (COMBI214)
Superelement (MATRIX50)
Input Listing:vm263.dat

Test Case

A rotor-bearing system is analyzed to determine the whirl speeds. The distributed rotor was modeled as a configuration of six elements with each element composed of sub elements. See Table 263.1: Geometric data for rotor-bearing elements for a list of data for the elements. Two undamped linear bearings were located at positions four and six. A modal analysis is performed with multiple load steps to determine the critical speeds for the system.

Figure 453: Isometric view of rotor-bearing system without /ESHAPE (2D element plot)

Isometric view of rotor-bearing system without /ESHAPE (2D element plot)

Figure 454: Isometric view of rotor-bearing system with /ESHAPE

Isometric view of rotor-bearing system with /ESHAPE

Table 13: Geometric Data of Rotor-Bearing Elements

Element No.Subelement No.Axial Distance to Subelement (cm)Inner Diameter (cm)Outer Diameter (cm)
110.00 0.51
21.27 1.02
215.08 0.76
27.62 2.03
318.89 2.03
210.16 3.30
512.70 2.54
613.46 1.27
4116.51 1.27
219.05 1.52
5122.86 1.52
226.67 1.27
6128.70 1.27
230.48 3.81
331.50 2.03

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading

Shaft and Disc:

E = 2.078E11 Pa

DENS = 7800 Kg/m^3

Nu = 0.3

Bearing stiffness:

Kyy = 4.378E+07 N/m

Kzz = 4.378E+07 N/m


Refer to Table 263.1


Thickness = 0.0254 m

Outer Radius = 0.0495 m

Inner Radius = 0.0203 m

Rotational velocity:

1st load step = 0 rpm

2nd load step = 10,000 rpm

3rd load step = 20,000 rpm

4th load step = 40,000 rpm

5th load step = 60,000 rpm

6th load step = 80,000 rpm

7th load step = 100,000 rpm

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

Both the shaft and the disc are modeled using SOLID272 and SOLID273 elements with 3 Fourier nodes in the circumferential direction. The thickness, outer radius and inner radius of the disc are adjusted to match the mass and moment of inertia of the mass element used in the reference. Two symmetric bearings along the global Y and Z directions are modeled using COMBIN14 elements.

A modal analysis is performed on the rotor-bearing system with multiple load steps using DAMP eigen-solver to determine the whirl speeds and Campbell values. The translational displacements along X are constrained so that the system does not have axial motion. The gyroscopic effect is activated by turning the CORIOLIS command on in a stationary reference frame. The whirl speeds for slopes (excitation per revolution) 2.0 and 4.0 are determined and compared with analytical solutions.

The problem is also solved using Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) Substructuring modeling approach by creating superelements for the shaft and disc modeled with SOLID272 elements. The gyroscopic damping matrix is generated in the CMS generation pass using the fixed interface method. Campbell analysis is performed using the superelements created in the generation pass along with symmetric bearing elements modeled using COMBIN14 elements in the use pass.

The whirl speeds for slopes (excitation per revolution) 2.0 and 4.0 are determined for all different cases and compared with analytical solutions.

Results Comparison

General Axisymmetric Solid with 4 Base Nodes SOLID272
 Target Mechanical APDLRatio
Whirl Speeds for slope = 2
Mode 17929.0007693.22141.004
Mode 28350.0008390.03391.005
Mode 323760.00023329.45930.982
Mode 424602.00024171.95040.983
Mode 534820.00034332.91650.986
Mode 642776.00041973.29350.981
Whirl Speeds for slope = 4
Mode 14015.0004032.87711.004
Mode 24120.2504139.52441.005
Mode 311989.25011775.70740.982
Mode 412200.00011986.23270.982
Mode 518184.25017947.66090.987
Mode 620162.25019879.70250.986
General Axisymmetric Solid with 4 Base Nodes SOLID272 and CMS Substructure Analysis
 Target Mechanical APDLRatio
Whirl Speeds for slope = 2
Mode 17929.0007693.25811.004
Mode 28350.0008390.07771.005
Mode 323760.00023331.59530.982
Mode 424602.00024174.38270.983
Mode 534820.00034343.39050.986
Mode 642776.00041999.22820.982
Whirl Speeds for slope = 4
Mode 14015.0004032.89031.004
Mode 24120.2504139.53991.005
Mode 311989.25011776.73490.982
Mode 412200.00011987.33870.983
Mode 518184.25017952.12130.987
Mode 620162.25019887.05850.986
General Axisymmetric Solid with 8 Base Nodes SOLID273
 Target Mechanical APDLRatio
Whirl Speeds for slope = 2
Mode 17929.0007922.40210.999
Mode 28350.0008354.33261.001
Mode 323760.00023296.86320.981
Mode 424602.00024169.25960.982
Mode 534820.00034257.92020.984
Mode 642776.00041659.38990.974
Whirl Speeds for slope = 4
Mode 14015.0004013.03211.000
Mode 24120.2504120.95561.000
Mode 311989.25011763.21550.981
Mode 412200.00011981.27040.982
Mode 518184.25017894.30390.984
Mode 620162.25019770.43800.981