Thermal-structural Contact of Two Bodies
Test Case
Two bodies, A and B, are initially at a temperature of 100°C.
A temperature of 500°C is then imposed at the left edge, EA1, of A. Further, the right edge, EB2, of B is heated to attain a temperature of 850°C and is subsequently
cooled back to 100°C. Compute the interface temperature (right
edge) of A, EA2, and the amount of heat flow
through the interface when the right edge of EB2 is at 600°C and 850°C, respectively. Also, compute the
heat flow through the interface when B is subsequently cooled to 100°C.
Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes
A coupled-field analysis is performed to solve this thermal/structural
contact problem using PLANE13 elements and
PLANE223 elements with weak coupling. The interface is modeled using
CONTA175 and TARGE169 elements with the heat
conduction option. For PLANE13 elements under large deflection
(NLGEOM,ON), the thermal results are not updated during solution.