
Implicit Creep under Biaxial Load


Reference: A. A. Becker, T. H. Hyde, Fundamental Test of Creep Behavior, 2nd Edition, NAFEMS, Ref.: R0027, Test 10a.
Analysis Type(s): 2D Plane Stress - Biaxial (Negative) Load
Element Type(s):
2D 4-Node Structural Solid Elements (PLANE182)
2D 8-Node Structural Solid Elements (PLANE183)
Input Listing: vm224.dat

Test Case

A specimen under plane stress conditions is constrained on the left and bottom edges. It is biaxially loaded with tensile stress σ1 on the right edge and compressive stress σ2 on the top edge. Determine the creep strain after 1000 hours.

Figure 372: Implicit Creep Under Biaxial Load Problem Sketch

Implicit Creep Under Biaxial Load Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
E = 200 x 103 N/mm2
ν = 0.3
Creep Law
ε = A σntm
A = 3.125 x 10-14 per hour
n = 5
m = 0.5
L = 100 mm
σ1 = 200 N/mm2
σ2 = - 200 N/mm2
Total creep time 1000 hours

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

For a 2D plane stress condition a biaxial load is applied as follows:

In this case the effective stress is given by the following equation, where α = -1

And the creep strains may be obtained as follows:

This gives the following reference solution:

Results Comparison

@ Time = 1000TargetMechanical APDLRatio
PLANE182 2D 4-Node Structural Solid
PLANE183 2D 8-Node Structural Solid

Figure 373: Creep Strain

Creep Strain