
Thermal-Electric Hemispherical Shell with Hole


Reference: Any standard electrical engineering text
Analysis Type(s): Coupled Thermal-Electric Shell
Element Type(s): Thermal-Electric Shell Elements (SHELL157)
Input Listing: vm215.dat

Test Case

A conducting hemisphere of radius, r, has a hole subtending an angle Θ1. The edge of the hole is electrically and thermally grounded. A voltage, V2, is applied at the equator. A Φ degree sector in the azimuthal plane is analyzed.

Figure 345: Hemispherical Shell Problem Sketch

Hemispherical Shell Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
ρ = 7 ohm-m
K = 3 W/m-K
t = 0.2 m
r = 10 m
Θ1 = 10°
Φ = 3°
V1 = 0 volts
V2 = 100 volts
T1 = 0°C

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

A hemispherical shell with a hole is analyzed. The symmetry of the model is utilized and only a 3 degree sector in the azimuthal direction is analyzed.

The electric current (I) in the sphere is given by:

Where resistance R is given by:

The total heat flow is due to Joule Heating and is given by Q = I (V2 - V1)

Results Comparison

SHELL157 TargetMechanical APDLRatio
I (Amps) Node 210.061400.061431.000
Q (Watts) Node 216.140586.142911.000