
Centerline Temperature of an Electrical Wire


Reference:W. M. Rohsenow, H. Y. Choi, Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer, 2nd Printing, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1963, pg. 106, ex. 6.5.
Analysis Type(s):Thermal Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):
2D Coupled-Field Solid Elements (PLANE223)
3D Coupled-Field Solid Elements (SOLID226)
Input Listing:vm119.dat

Test Case

Determine the centerline temperature   and the surface temperature Ts of a bare steel wire carrying a current I and having a resistance R. The surface convection coefficient between the wire and the air (at temperature Ta) is h. Also determine the heat dissipation rate q.

Figure 169: Electrical Wire Problem Sketch

Electrical Wire Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
k = 13 Btu/hr-ft °F
h = 5 Btu/hr-ft2-°F
R = 0.0001 Ω/ft
ro = 0.375 in = 0.03125 ft
Ta = 70°F
I = 1000 A

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The problem is solved first using thermal-electric axisymmetric elements (PLANE223) and then using thermal-electric solid elements (SOLID226).

A 1 foot axial length is chosen for convenience. The voltage drop per foot is IR = 0.1 volt/ft. The resistivity ρ is calculated as ρ = RA/L = (0.0001)(π)(0.03125)2/(1) = 3.06796 x 10-7 Ω-ft.

A conversion factor 3.415 (Btu/hr)/W must be included in the resistivity ρ so that the Joule heat units match the thermal units ρ/3.415 = 8.983782 x 10-8. Current printout is divided by 3.415 to get electrical (amp) units. The steady-state convergence procedures are used.

The solution is based on a unit radian model. Since the problem is axisymmetric, only a one-element sector is needed. A small angle Θ = 10° is used for approximating the circular boundary with a straight-sided element.

POST1 is used to extract results from the solution phase. Total heat dissipation is computed parametrically at the outer surface as HRATE using q = h.area.(Ts-Ta).

Results Comparison

 TargetMechanical APDLRatio
PLANE223Centerline Temperature, °F419.9420.01.000
Ts, °F417.9417.81.000
q, Btu/hr341.5341.51.000
SOLID226Centerline Temperature, °F419.9422.21.006
Ts, °F417.9420.11.005
q, Btu/hr341.5343.21.005