1.5. Verification Manual vs. Other Documentation

The test cases are intended primarily for verification of the Mechanical APDL program. Ansys tries to include most significant analysis capabilities of Mechanical APDL. Although valuable as demonstration problems, the test cases are not presented as step-by-step examples with lengthy data-input instructions and printouts. Most users with limited finite element experience are able to understand the test cases by reviewing the finite element model and the input data listing with its accompanying comments. Problem sketches and modeling notes are included.

For more detailed instructions for solving problems or in-depth treatment of specific topics, refer to other Mechanical APDL documentation as described in Guide to the Mechanical APDL Documentation. Tutorial content is available on the Ansys customer site and can be helpful for both new and existing users needing basic information on using the Mechanical APDL program.

Seminar notes on several broad topics are also available. The notes are written for classroom instruction and include theory, Mechanical APDL implementation, exercises, and examples. Broad subjects such as dynamics, heat transfer, nonlinearities, magnetics, and optimization are covered in these notes.